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Kim Jensen

General status:

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Company title:

Kim Jensen

Company code:


Officers of the company:

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Registration date:

  1. 2003.10.01
  2. 2004.04.01
  3. 1998.01.01
  4. 1987.03.01
  5. 2007.11.01
  6. 1996.04.01
  7. 2005.07.01
  8. 1996.07.01
  9. 1996.01.02
  10. 1995.01.01
  11. 1990.04.01

Company type:

  1. Enkeltmandsvirksomhed

Alternative company codes:

In some data sources the code of the company is different, so we display all of the codes.. Learn more.
  1. 27694012
  2. 20593784
  3. 12631898
  4. 30953991
  5. 14799788
  6. 29032009
  7. 19358135
  8. 18635704
  9. 18633442
  10. 14004572

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