General status:

Is this company active or inactive in general? . Learn more.

Company title:


Company code:


Officers of the company:

Here is the list of people who are or were involved in company activity.. Learn more.
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Registration date:

  1. 1970.01.01
  2. 1992.09.01
  3. 2003.04.01
  4. 1983.03.11
  5. 1985.03.01
  6. 1996.01.01
  7. 1989.10.01
  8. 1991.01.01
  9. 1987.07.01
  10. 1984.12.10
  11. 1978.07.01
  12. 1967.07.03
  13. 1978.12.30
  14. 1990.10.15
  15. 1992.03.01
  16. 1976.08.01
  17. 1996.04.15
  18. 1998.01.01
  19. 1994.01.01
  20. 1975.02.01

Company type:

  1. Enkeltmandsvirksomhed
  2. Interessentskab

Alternative company codes:

In some data sources the code of the company is different, so we display all of the codes.. Learn more.
  1. 16357502
  2. 27272045
  3. 71850110
  4. 94449758
  5. 27294227
  6. 13624887
  7. 15091088
  8. 11857191
  9. 13312397
  10. 14189734
  11. 11232531
  12. 85717111
  13. 14573291
  14. 15889446
  15. 12450605
  16. 72758811
  17. 19222438
  18. 20664878
  19. 17389734
  20. 78442514

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